As a Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), Lohan & Donnelly will undertake to:

  • Identify hazards arising from the design or from the technical, organisational, planning or time related aspects of the project;
  • Where possible, eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk;
  • Communicate necessary control measures, design assumptions, or remaining risks to the PSCS so they can be dealt with in the Safety and Health Plan;
  • Ensure that the work of designers is co-ordinated to ensure safety;
  • Organise co-operation between designers;
  • Prepare a written safety and health plan for any project where construction will take more than 500 person days or 30 working days or there is a Particular Risk and deliver it to the client prior to tender;
  • Prepare a safety file for the completed structure and give it to the client;
  • Notify the Authority and client of non-compliance with any written directions issued;

The PSDP may issue directions to designers or contractors or others.

Cost effective, project specific solutions for the Irish and UK construction industry.